Special Offer for Educational Institutions
If you represent an Educational Institution we are proud to be able to offer you attractive pricing on bulk orders. To explore how you can get a minimum of 20% off retail price, contact us at: info@makelanguagestick.com
Case study/our story
makelanguagestick.com founders, Jason and Chris, met while on an intensive year-long Japanese language course in the military. The purpose of the course was to give learners the language skills by which they could strategically engage with the Japanese military. They created stickers for themselves and their classmates to help with their own language acquisition. Students found that the sticker method allowed them to be constantly reminded of the target language during their downtime and expanded their vocabulary with minimal effort. It was only when military language instructors began asking for their own copies that the pair considered mass producing them. Nowadays, the military language institute provides a pack to each learner at the start of their course. This helps immerse the learner in the target language and kick-starts their language acquisition.